Sunday, December 21, 2008

#361 pumpkin seed brittle

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1/8 tsp salt
3/4 cup green, untoasted, pumpkin seeds

Prepare 2 pieces of 24 in x 12 in parchment paper, tape one to the table and save the second. In a saucepan cook sugar, water and salt until temperature is 238F, ~10 mins. Remove from heat, stir in pumpkin seeds with wooden spoon and keep stirring until sugar crystallizes. Then, put it back on medium-high heat and keep stirring until sugar melts and turns brown and liquid (this takes 3-5 mins, be patient). Then spread on parchment, place the second piece of parchment on top and roll with a rolling pin until thin. Remove top paper, let cool (or, cut into desired size pieces and let cool). Once cool you can break it apart.

recipe from

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