Saturday, October 13, 2012

mugaddara (beans and rice and onions)

3/4 cup lentils (I used Fench lentils, aka Puy)
1 tsp salt, divided
1 cup rice
2 tbsp butter
3 tbsp olive oil
2 large onions or 3 medium onions

1 single serving size greek yogurt
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp corriander
1/4 tsp cayanne
juice and zest of 1/2 lemon
1/4 tsp salt

Slice onions very thin and cook in the butter and 2 tbsp of the olive oil over med heat.  Once softened (~5 mins) turn up to med-high heat and cook 10-12 mins.  Add remaining tbsp of oil and turn up to high, cook another 5ish minutes until bottom onions are a little crispy.

Cook lentils with 1/2 tsp salt in 4 cups water, ~20 mins.  Drain

Cook rice with 1/2 tsp salt in 1.5 cups water ~15 mins, let sit 5 mins after they are done cooking.  Combine rice and lentils in one large pot, add onions when onions are done cooking.  Let sit ~15 mins to let flavors meld.

Mix together all yogurt and spices and serve with mixture.

Adapted from

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